Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000293_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 30 02:01:26 1997.msg
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From: "Adam Parrott" <parrottsoft@usa.net>
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To: Peter Cahill <cahill4@iol.ie>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:26:12 -0600
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Subject: Re: The Dungen of DooM !
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Some quick replies on complaints on Dungeon stage:
> I thaught that the 'yellow' bits on the wall didn't look right
> I think you should either reduce the amount of yellow alot or
> remove the yellow bits and just have a plane wall (like Wolf3D)
Ah, yes, well, those have been fixed. As said, that was the FIRST
demo with LIMITED graphics and a small level. I'm working fervently
on graphics (and everything, minue the point though, just fyi, hehe)
now and they are looking MUCH BETTER (WAY coolness). There WILL be
more (as well as additional) enhanced graphics next demo around.
> It runs fast enough without tmapping but with tmapping on it isnt
> fast enough on my 030/50. I think that the biggest problem at the
> moment with the 'Dungeon of Ultimate terror' is the speed...
Well, also as I said, I'm working on optimising (which will be VERY
LAST, what little time I may have left, hopefully some.. It's all
coming along very good). I want to get EVERYTHING (or most, including
graphics, sounds, and most code) in FIRST, then optimise. If I spend
all my time optimising what I have now, I wont have any time left to
finish the rest of the level and put in what I need and want to!
> I was very impressed with the rest of it !
> hehe. Will the missing line of pixils bug be fixed ?
hm.. I'll see. Right now, I'm not sure. May have to have a quick
consultation with Mr. Bintz with that Casting bug. It may or may not.
Adam Parrott, personal: parrotta@usa.net, work: parrottsoft@usa.net
Member of Team *AMOS* and the IAPA. http://members.tripod.com/~parrottsoft